The Protests in Delhi and the Nationalist Paradigm

  • ജെന്നി റൊവേണ
Keywords: regional newspapers, Nationalist Paradigm, protests, campaigns, minority women, Indian nationalism


A detailed study about the contemporary campaigns and protests , Is this movements are really  addressing the problems to its core, why do they fail to make an impact ….?


1.Delhi Protests and the Caste Hindu Paradigm: Of Sacred and
Paraded Bodies. Madhuri Xalxo, SAVARI.
2. Critiques of Janlokpal Bill and Anna Hazare protests on Round
Table India.
3. Women’s Movement within a Secular Framework Redening the
Agenda, Flavia Agnes, Economic and Political Weekly May 7,
How to Cite
ജെന്നി റൊവേണ. (2019). The Protests in Delhi and the Nationalist Paradigm. മലയാളപ്പച്ച, 5(5), 45 - 54. Retrieved from